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February 2022

Can the dog judge width and height?

2022-06-15T14:31:54-04:00February 11, 2022||

Yes. The dog is taught to judge its partner’s width as well as its own. This enables the dog to safely guide the blind person around other people, parked cars on sidewalks, telephone or electric poles, etc. While more difficult, the dog is also taught to judge height which enables it to guide the person safely to avoid overhead obstacles such as low-hanging branches.

How does a dog know where a blind person wants to go?

2022-06-15T14:31:54-04:00February 11, 2022||

The dog doesn’t. People who are blind generally know how to reach a destination by knowing how many blocks to go, in which direction to turn, etc. The person gives the dog commands that will enable the dog to guide them safely to their destinations. The basic commands are “forward,” “right,” and “left.” In all, the dogs understand about 40 commands—in Hebrew. (Click here for a list of commands.) In a new or unfamiliar location, a person who is [...]

What’s the Guide Dog training process and how long does it take?

2022-06-15T14:31:55-04:00February 11, 2022||

Guide Dogs are trained in the same way as many pets, with lots of repetition and positive reinforcement. At the age of two months, puppies leave their litter and spend about a year in homes with volunteer puppy raisers where they learn left from right and right from wrong. The raisers expose them to everyday sights and sounds and also teach them basic obedience and commands. Puppy raisers provide socialization while giving lots of love. When the dog is [...]

Where are Guide Dogs allowed to go?

2022-06-15T14:31:55-04:00February 11, 2022||

In Israel, everywhere! Guide Dogs are allowed to travel for free on buses, trains, taxis and in the passenger section of aircraft. Guide Dogs are also allowed to enter any public place including restaurants, theaters, sports facilities and hotels. Refusing entry to a person accompanied by a Guide Dog is against the law and can incur a large fine.

How can I help a blind person in the street?

2022-08-02T14:46:37-04:00February 11, 2022||

If you think that a Guide Dog user needs assistance, calmly ask if he or she would like help. If they accept your offer to cross the street or find a destination, offer them your left elbow or shoulder to hold. Walk slightly in front and alongside the person at a normal pace and warn them of obstacles or changes in elevation - a step up or down. Never touch the dog or take hold of its collar or [...]

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